5G and 6G research projects

29 oct. 2021

Orange Romania is involved in 5G-PPP, Horizon Europe and RRF research and innovation projects that actively contribute to the development of the 5G architecture, standardization of next generation 6G networks and new architectures' functionality demonstrations.

TrialsNet - TRials supported by Smart Networks beyond 5G

The TrialsNet research project aims to implement large-scale solutions to improve the quality of people's lives through a series of innovative applications that will stress current 5G networks with the aim of shaping the transition to future 6G networks. As part of the project, Orange, together with partners from the Gheorghe Asachi Technical University in Iasi, will pilot solutions for the Infrastructure, Transport, Security and Safety segment, thus building the first applications over the infrastructure of the 5G Lab Iasi.

RIGOUROUS - secuRe desIGn and deplOyment of trUsthwoRthy cOntinUum computing 6G Services

The RIGOUROUS project addresses the major cybersecurity risks that will threaten devices, computing infrastructure, and the next generation of services based on 5G and 6G networks. RIGOUROUS will respond to these challenges by introducing intelligent services that use machine learning (ML) and AI mechanisms to dynamically react to emerging threats at all levels of the network infrastructure.

6Green - Green Technologies for 5/6G Service-Based Architectures

Through projects like 6Green, Orange is examining ways to integrate machine learning algorithms into the management of their radio infrastructure to reduce energy consumption. A use case that will be tested within the project concerns natural disaster scenarios, where the telecommunications infrastructure is critical and must be kept up and running as long as possible, this time using autonomous systems to reduce energy consumption.

ADROIT6G - Distributed Artificial Intelligence-driven open and programmable architecture for 6G networks

The ADROIT6G project aims to prepare the transition from 5G to 6G networks by rethinking the way mobile networks are designed to meet the demands that will be imposed by future innovative applications. The project aims to carry out 3 case studies: Immersive Extended Reality (XR), Industrial IoT (IIoT) and Collaborative Robots (cobots) in the field of constructions.

DYNABIC - Dynamic business continuity of critical infrastructures on top of adaptive multi-level cybersecurity

The DYNABIC project aims to increase the resilience and ensure business continuity of critical service operators and critical infrastructure operators in Europe in the face of advanced cyber threats. The DYNABIC platform will provide a set of specific objectives for the management of critical systems by dynamically adapting the systems, human responses and processes in organizations.

NetZeRoCities - National Competence Center and solutions for the development of Climate Neutral and Smart Cities

Together with the National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest, we participate in the NetZeRoCities project, financed by the PNRR, which proposes the construction of local competition centers for the verticals of smart city and climate neutrality. As part of the project, we are extending the communications infrastructure from the 5G Lab outside to the UNSTPB campus to pilot IoT applications for smart mobility, environmental and building monitoring in the university.

EU-CIP - European Knowledge Hub and Policy Testbed for Critical Infrastructure Protection

The EU-CIP project will develop a new pan-European knowledge and best practice network for critical IT infrastructures, which will enable legislative fora to create data- and evidence-based laws to support innovation and critical infrastructure operators. Orange Romania is part of the EU-CIP project as a critical infrastructure operator and will work within the ECSCI cluster to generate and validate best practices regarding the resilience of telecommunications infrastructures, risk management and adaptation to complex threats.

5GASP - 5G Application & Services experimentation and certification Platform

5GASP aims to shorten the idea-to-market process by creating a fully automated and stand-alone testbed dedicated to small and medium-sized companies. Thus, it will support the rapid development and testing of innovative applications on 5G, which use the architecture based on 5G NFV (Network Functions Virtualization).

VITAL-5G - Vertical Innovations in Transport And Logistics over 5G experimentation facilities

The pan-European transport and logistics ecosystem is considered one of the main beneficiaries of 5G technology and is the vertical targeted by the VITAL-5G project. This way, in the project context, the transfer of 5G-enabled services from the test/pilot project stage to production is highly dependent on the availability of flexible and intuitive tools and APIs for the design, management and orchestration of these 5G services.

5G-EVE - 5G European Validation Platform for Extensive Trials

5G-EVE is a 5G-PPP project started in July 2018 that aims to create a pan-European 5G network by integrating 5G infrastructure from 4 countries. Orange brings its contribution specifically to the area of 5G infrastructure integration in France; in addition, it makes the developed infrastructure available to start-ups and universities/development centers.

5G-VICTORI - Vertical Demos over Common Large Scale Field Trials for Rail, Energy and Media Industries

5G-Victori aims to demonstrate and validate the operation of certain applications/services over 5G infrastructure. As part of this project, Orange Romania aims to develop a smart public lighting application with the ultimate goal of producing it on a large scale.

SLICENET - End-to-End Cognitive Network Slicing and Slice Management Framework in Virtualised Multi-Domain, Multi-Tenant 5G Networks

The SLICENET project, started in 2017, introduces the concept of sharing ("slicing") the network so that the 5G infrastructure supports the allocation of resources needed by businesses in various fields (health, manufacturing, automotive, IoT, smart city, etc.).

MATILDA - A Holistic, Innovative Framework for Design, Development and Orchestration of 5G-ready Applications and Network Services over Sliced Programmable Infrastructure

MATILDA defines the complete architecture that allows the exploitation of the 5G infrastructure by applications/services used by businesses in different industries. In this project, Orange Romania proposes a smart public lighting scenario that will be able to work over the 5G infrastructure defined in a test environment.

Orange collaborates with various technical universities from Romania in multiple research projects. One such example is the partnership with the National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest, that is detailed in the ZF Tech Day show.
